~ Moving into a New Year ~
2020 was a year of challenge & opportunity
The realities of Covid-19 forced me as a maker to pivot quickly in order to meet the moment. Personal life transitions as well created a restructured daily life for my family. All considered, this space I find myself in has re-framed the shape and pace of my studio practice.
I have chosen to take this year for deep focus on reflection, evaluation, and projection for Coral Marie. By focusing my sales efforts on all the lovely work that is already made and completing items that are in process, I hope to create the opening for forward growth that my creative spirit requires. In order to make the most of the time I have in the studio for creative nourishment, I am changing the format!
~ 2021 will have no formal collections ~
If you love my work and are one of my devoted clients, don’t despair! You are not forgotten. In fact, YOU are the very reason I am taking this time of focus. I want to bring you what you look to Coral Marie for in the most authentic way. This requires clarity that comes to me through inward contemplation. I do have some exciting new things planned for 2021 that will launch individually at a slower pace.
What thrills you most about Coral Marie?
What is your all-time favorite style? Or fabric?
Why do you support my business?
What do you see my selection lacking?
What do you wish I made or carried in my shop?
Is my mission clear and concise or could I improve my messaging?
Drop me a note! I truly want to know your thoughts. Thank you for sharing what I do, following my social media, being on my mailing list and patronizing my small business.
Thank you for supporting Coral Marie.

Let's change the world with what we wear!
In support of the belief and vision that all people have a right to a violence-free life,
Coral Marie will be donating 10% of your purchases in 2021 to:
My Sister's Place & Survivor Advocacy Outreach Program